Thursday, March 21, 2013

Module 8: Video Blog Review

1. More Human Than Human: The title intrigued me and I wanted to know more about it.
Late Gothic Art and Architecture: I think that Gothic art and architecture is beautiful and I wanted to see examples of the work and learn more about it.
The Greek Awakening: I wanted to know what was "awakened" by the Greeks or in their culture. Also, the last few modules covered the Greeks so I wanted to keep learning about that.

2. More Human Than Human: I learned about the particularity that the human race presents and how the majority will not settle for sub par, and why unrealistic depictions are seen so often throughout history.  I also learned about the discovery of the full female figure statue that was found in the Danube River Valley and was called "The Venus of Willendorf."
Late Gothic Art and Architecture: I learned that the tombs, sculptures, and stained glass windows at St. Mary's Warwick were created to honor Earl Warwick.  Also how unknown art can be identified by specific clues that help to pinpoint the time frame.
The Greek Awakening: I learned that Greek art and culture really grew when Christianity grew and how the two were connected. I also learned about the impact of art on religion and vice versa.

3. The videos are good tools that coincide with the readings because they help to reinforce what the book says. Also these videos really create a picture in one's mind about the readings and what each piece of art or element actually is.

4. I thought that the videos were informative and added to my understanding of the topics. I did not know about the discovery about The Venus of Willendorf or about St. Mary's of Warwick. The videos help me to remember the concepts and information learned because of the visual aids.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Module 7 Video Review

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
In Architecture: The Science of Design I learned a lot about skyscrapers that I did not know before. I knew that skyscrapers require a lot of structural support because they are so tall, but I did not know that they consisted of two layers.  The superstructure is above ground and the substructure is below ground and helps create a more solid foundation.  In the video Classical Architecture I learned a lot about how architecture was developed and the roots of it.  The video talked a lot about the Roman influence and the three Greek orders.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos helped to elaborate on the readings in the text.  The text talked about the Greek columns and ways that architecture and styles developed from the ancient times.  The book also talked about different building structures and designs, which was elaborated upon in the videos.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
I thought the videos were informative and added to my understanding of the different kinds of architecture and how it originated. 
4. Why did you choose the films that you watched?
I wanted to watch the two films I did because I wanted to learn more about the basics of architecture.  I wanted to learn more about structural systems and the history of the different styles.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Peer Review

2. I agreed with both of the blogs choices for the elements and principles they used.  Each student's pictures had a lot of variety and depth to it so I think that the majority of the pictures had more than one element or principle that could have been used to describe it.

3. None of the images that the two other blogs I looked at were the same as my own.

4. Marisol "Baby Girl" interested me because it is so unique and a concept that is rarely seen. I want to know what the connection between the baby and the other doll on its leg is. I want to know why "Fairy Puke" by Peregrine Honig is called what it is. When you look at the image it is not immediately thought that there is a fairy in the picture so I want to know what the deeper/hidden meaning is.

5. Reading other people's reflections gives me a different perspective. I can only look at things the way I see them but reading about what other people have to say and what they find important in images helps me to expand my horizons and my thought process.

6. No one has commented on my blog yet, but I know that feedback and/or constructive criticism always helps me to branch out and go more in depth with my responses and thinking!

Blog #1
Blog #2

Module 6

1.  Through the Eyes of a Sculptor taught me that sculpting is a lost art and is not well documented or recognized.  Sculptors literally take a block of marble or other material and transform it in to something completely different.  I like how almost every element of sculpting is natural, the materials come from the Earth, and the sculptor uses their vision to create something unique.  The Glass and Ceramics video highlighted the fact that glass and ceramics are two of the oldest man-made materials and there are constantly new uses for the materials.  I think that glass blowing is so interesting and can create some of the most beautiful pieces in the world.  The use of glass is expanding as well and it is replacing other materials in the creation of buildings and other structures.  In Installation Art the artists explore "the dynamic tension between artwork and its setting."  This video reminds me of the Dennis Maher exhibit at the Albright Knox.  This form of artwork is highly controversial because it is so unusual and frequently involves using trash or other discarded objects to create artwork.
2. The videos help to reinforce what was learned in the text. I think that the videos help the concepts in the text come to life.  The pictures in the text help to explain the topic but the video helps to reinforce the topic and make a lasting impression in my mind because I can see the concepts "in action."
3. I think that the films-especially the sculpture video do not need to go as in depth into the artist's background and daily life as they do. I would rather see a few different artists creating sculptures and going through the steps of how they got their ideas, their materials, their inspiration, and see them actually creating something.  I like to see the various works of art and hear the stories behind them, I did  not know that glass was replacing other materials in creating buildings, or that sculpture is so over looked.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Albright Knox

Wire Ways

A. Wire Ways by Peter and Al Szalay which is made entirely of electrical materials and found in Dennis Maher's House of Collective Repair made an impression on me because I thought that it was so unique.  I liked the way the materials came together to create something so unique and original out of every day items that no one even looks at or thinks twice about. 

Beach Nd
Also Beach Nd which was created with watercolor and ink on paper by Agnes Martin was interesting to me because I wanted to know why it was created.  The piece was so odd yet so simple I wanted to know what was going through the artists mind and that really intrigued me as to why it turned out the way it did.

B. I left a connection to Franz Marc's The Wolves which is from 1913 and is an oil on canvas. I connected with this piece because he created it in the midst of the war and it showed all the turmoil he was going through. Sometimes in life it seems like there are wolves attacking us and nothing is going right, so I thought this piece was comparable to the real world whether someone was in the war or not.  I can also relate to

La Voix des airs
The Wolves                                                            
RenĂ© Magritte’s La Voix des airs (The Voice of Space), 1928 oil on canvas because sometimes it seems like we are all alone in our world (space) and no one understands us or connects with us and to me that is what this painting is saying.

House of Collective Repair
C. I would really like to know more about Kelly Richardson's Exiles of the Shattered Star high definition video installation with sound 2006 because I think the concept and the theme is so unique I want to know what she was thinking when she created the piece.  I would also like to know more about Dennis Maher's House of Collective Repair 2012-2013, which is made of various found objects because I want to know why he chose the objects that he did. I wonder what significance the objects had and if he was trying to reconstruct something in particular with them.

Exiles of the Shattered Star

Friday, March 1, 2013

Logo Design

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
Creating my logo really made me think about what is important in my life. There are a lot of things that I focus on and take up my time, but creating a logo made me see what was the most important to be represented.
2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
I learned to be more artistic, and the use of space. I wanted to use a unique outline for my logo and there was limited space to fit in everything I wanted to.
3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
I discovered what really matters to me in life and what I can live without. Looking at my logo it shows what I want represented when people look at me and think of me.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
I learned that there are so many ways to convey the image you want.  I also learned how important a logo is, and how beneficial or detrimental it can be to a business. I thought the videos were informative, and they summed up the other materials that were given.
