Thursday, April 11, 2013

Module Ten Video Review

1. I chose to watch Islamic Art: India and the Middle East because I wanted to see more of Islamic art. I had read about it in the chapters and was interested to see more.
I also watched The Great Wave because the title was interesting to me and I wanted to learn more about what it was going to involve.

2. In Islamic Art I loved seeing the mosques, I think they are so beautiful and the fact that they have both spiritual meaning and beauty makes them even more special.  Just to have a place where one can go to worship and be at peace is very special and I like the concept of that.
From The Great Wave I learned how to see the different meanings in everything.  When the wave is about to crash on the edge of chaos we are always looking at the peak of nature such as a mountain or the sky, and it leads to the question: am I looking at the sea or something inside of me? I liked this video because it showed how life can really be lived in the moment and if you truly want to you can see the beauty in every moment.

3. The videos related to the text because they further explained what was going on in the readings. The videos helped to reinforce the concepts and to back up what we had previously read in the text.

4. I liked both of the videos I watched because I learned a lot from them that I had not known before. I like to hear about different cultures and the different ways in which various cultures view the world and both these videos definitely provided that.

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