Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gallery Visit

Step 1: The Exhibition
Questions about the exhibit:1. What is the title of the exhibit? Being There: Bruce Jackson Photographs 1962-2012
2. What is the theme of the exhibition? The theme of this exhibition was photographs from this man's life that showcase what he went through, his daily experiences, and what shaped him in to whom he is today.

Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:1. What type of lighting is used? Throughout the exhibition bright lighting was used that focused on the pictures as well as making the exhibition space very bright and inviting.
2. What colors are used on the walls? The walls were white.
3. What materials are used in the interior artchitecture of the space? The exhibition was mostly simple with white walls, bright lighting, and the focus being on the hanging paintings.
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space? The viewer creates their own path by going from painting to painting along the walls as they choose. There is no set order or sequence but I just went along the walls as I came to the paintings.

Step 3: The Artwork
Questions about the artwork:1. How are the artworks organized? They are neatly organized on the walls, there was no clutter or chaos.
2. How are the artrworks similar? They are similar because they depict some of the same situations, and the scenery is similar.
3. How are the artworks different? The photographs show different scenes and stages that this man went through so the scenes and images depicted in them are different.
4. How are the artworks framed? They are mounted on the walls.
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled? There are small tags next to the works of art.
6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other? They are close to each other but not so close that they are on top of each other.

4. What did you think of visiting the Gallery and purposefully looking at the exhibition from a different perspective - the physical space, the architecture, theme, etc.?
Looking at it from this perspective made me think about the time and thought that goes in to planning how each exhibition will be presented.  The spacing, the lighting and the presentation enhance the exhibition in so many ways and I never really thought about it like that before.

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