Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Module 11 Video Review

1. I chose to watch Picasso and Matisse because I had read about both the artists in the chapter and wanted to learn more about both of them, and see what works of art the videos would showcase.  Dance at the Moulin de la Galette had an interesting name and I wanted to know if it was an actual dance or a representation of something else.

2. I learned that the first Matisse was later hung up and surrounded by Picasso's paintings.  Matisse was unaware of his talent for 20 years and very organized and meticulous in his thoughts and work.  Picasso on the other hand is impulsive and throws himself in to his work.  The film Dance at the Moulin de la Galette is Renoir's most famous piece, and most controversial.  It was painted twice but almost nothing was changed except its size, and it was meant to make women look beautiful and men to be interested in women.

3. Both the videos relate to the text because they showcase more of Picasso and Matisse's works and add to the concepts that were covered in the text. The videos help us to remember what we learned in the textbook.

4. I thought that the videos were informative and helped to reiterate the points that were being made in the text.

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