Friday, February 22, 2013

Color Wheel

1. Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.
I liked that we got to create something using art materials but I also liked that the assignment was very doable and not challenging or frustrating.

2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?
I liked working with the acrylic paint because it blends very easily and it gives off strong colors, and distinct differences. 

3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?
How hard it is to create black from the 3 colors!

4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
I thought the videos were informative and educational, and I think it is important to know that every color can virtually be created from the three primary colors.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

PhotoBucket Slideshow

I thought that this was an assignment that made us think about what we see everyday in a new light.  I chose to take pictures of every day things that I see around my apartment. I chose to do this because I do not live anywhere particularly special, or a place that has numerous unique architectural features or anything like that. I wanted to be able to show that things we see every day and do not look twice at can be considered elements and principles of design. I took this assignment as a challenge to create something interesting out of the ordinary.
I liked experimenting with different angles and lines while taking my pictures, and turning the camera or my body to capture the imagine in a different way.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Color Blog

1. Different colors have different affects on every one's emotions depending on who they are and how easily their mood can be influenced by what they see.  However, there are some colors that have been proven to have a similar affect on a great amount of people.  Blue, which is a cool color, is calm and tranquil and seems to put people at ease. Red on the other hand is a warm color, and is usually used to depict horror, or anguish, but it is also known to stimulate the appetite and increase people's desires to eat. Bubble gum pink is also known as passive pink, and complementary colors such as red and green share different associations across different cultures. In America those two colors are associated with Christmas, but in a Van Gogh painting they were used to make people feel as if they wanted to commit a crime.

2.One theoretical aspect of art and color that fascinates me is how people are drawn to certain colors but then not to other colors.  It is interesting to see the psychological and physiological responses that people have to certain colors, such as blue lowers blood pressure and when people were asked to eat mashed potatoes that were dyed green they had no idea what they were eating. The colors of things changes our opinion so much that it can even distort a food that the majority of Americans eat all the time and would immediately know what it was.

3.In the Color video what had the biggest impact on me was the fact that colors are so unpredictable with emotions and we never know how someone is going to feel when they look at something.  Color is unique to every individual and as June Redfern said "color is a very physiological thing, it has lots of meanings and symbols and ideas behind it but I think at the end of the day, it is how you feel."  This means that while there can be studies done and predictions as to how people are going to feel when looking at certain colors, there is no true universal set of feelings.

4. What had the biggest impact on me in the Feelings video was the Mona Lisa painting. The fact that a single work of art that was created hundreds of years ago is recognized is virtually every culture is remarkable. What I also like is the fact that the Mona Lisa is not beautiful by today's standards.  She is not recognized for her beauty but for her smile, and the way the colors used place emphasis on her smile is what makes the painting so unique and memorable.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Module 2

1. For the article I learned that art is considered a "lie" because art is just illusions created with colors, depth, and brightness that make things seem real that are not really there.  In art people recognize lines, faces, color verses luminance, Mona Lisa's smile, shadows, and mirrors and people like art because of symmetry and the "peak shift principle."  I also learned that neuroesthetics is devoted to the neural basis of why and how people appreciate art and music and what beauty is.  In the Aesthetics video I learned about understanding and defining aesthetics and philosophers that contributed to the aesthetic theory such as Plato, Francis Hutcheson, Leon Battista Alberti, Stenahal, and Tolstoy.  Furthermore I learned that art has no universal meaning or purpose but it means something different to everyone.  In the Carta video it discussed neurologists Vilyanur Ramachandrant and Jean-Pierre Changuex who talked about the scientific meaning behind aesthetics and how biology and science are related to art.

2. Plato was born in the classical age of Athens and lived through the early part of the Hellenistic age. I think that his philosophy is important because he looks at beauty in a way that is different than the "norm" and it is important to be able to look at things in a different light.  Plato believed that beauty exists in a world apart from us, that it is unchanging but it only occurs occasionally. Beauty is a Form and it can be reached through love, it is universal and not unique to certain people.

3. I think that the way they look at the connections between art and science and biology are very interesting. I have never really heard of art being connected to science before and I think that it is a very different, interesting view point. The most interesting facts I learned form the videos were Changuex's theory on genetic evolving with the origins of art and how our culture and species can be tracked through the way that art has changed.  Also Ramachandrant discussed where art and science met is actually the human brain and art is all about distorting everyday images to be pleasing.

4. The videos and article just reviewed the text material in a different light and gave a different perspective to the readings. The articles and video gave more real world examples and backed up what the text was saying.

5. I thought that the videos were interesting but they were far too long and made me lose interest in the topic. They were informative but I think that I missed out on a lot of the information solely because they were too long. I liked the length of the article and I thought that the concepts were well explained and laid out.